How can I report a Police Officer?
Crossing Guards
Drug Enforcement
Traffic Enforcement
Gang Activity
- The Office of Municipal Investigations handles all complaints made against the police. If you feel a police officer has wronged you please call 412-255-2804. OMI relies on City work rules, union contracts, Civil Service regulations, City Code, and State laws to define illegal and inappropriate conduct. It is OMI's responsibility to insure that all citizen complaints receive fair, accurate, thorough and timely investigations.
- The Citizen's Police Review Board (the "CPRB") also accepts complaints against police officers. The CPRB is an independent agency that is empowered to investigate allegations of police misconduct and hold public hearing at which complainants, witnesses and police officers must appear. They can be reached at (412) 765-8023.
Updated 8/26/2015 3:23 PM