How can I apply for a variance?
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The application for a variance can be found here.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment decides whether to grant variances and exceptions. It meets most Thursday mornings in the municipal building at 200 Ross Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Application Requirements
Zoning Board of Adjustment: Through a posted notice and public hearing process, the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) reviews requests for variances and special exceptions.
The process from application to decision can take 3-5 months.
- Special Exception: Some uses and densities are permitted in certain zoning districts by special exception granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment provided specific conditions are met. These uses are listed as "S" in section 911.02 of the Zoning Code. Special Exception fees apply. If approval is granted, regular permit fees will then also apply. (See Zoning
and PLI fee schedules)
- Variance: Variances may be granted to projects that do not comply with Zoning Code standards. Specific to the zoning district in which the project is located, variances may be given to projects that deviate from permitted uses, required setbacks, floor-area-ratios, and building heights without causing negative impact on the surrounding context. Variance fees apply. If approval is granted, regular permit fees will then also apply. (See Zoning
and PLIfee schedules)
Updated 9/29/2017 7:55 AM